Beatrice Siegrist Bjørnsen

Viola // Both periods
Beatrice Bjørnsen

Beatrice is a viola player in the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra, where she has held a permanent position since January 1995. Through her work in SSO, in addition to playing symphony concerts, she has participated in several chamber music productions, and among other things. played string quartet with Fabio Biondi.

Beatrice is also a very dedicated educator, and teaches viola, violin and string orchestra with great enthusiasm. She is and has been employed at several MDD lines, cultural schools and at the Barratt Due Music Institute. From 2012 she is coordinator at Barratt Due music institute Young Talents. Talent development and facilitation for the individual student at all levels, engages her strongly. She has several former students who are currently studying at NMH and Barratt Due Music Institute. Blue. holds one of her former students one of the leading positions on viola in the Norwegian Opera Orchestra.

Beatrice has a degree from the Barratt Due Music Institute, where Soon Mi Chung was her head teacher. She has also participated in several master classes at home and abroad, with i.a. Nobuko Imai and Andrew Manze.

Beatrice regularly plays with early music ensembles such as the Baroque Soloists and the Norwegian Baroque Orchestra.

Beatrice has taught at Valdres Summer Symphony since 2006 and was involved in starting up Kristiansand Summer Symphony in 2011. In 2012, she was one of the artistic leaders for this.

From 2012-2016, she was the course leader for Valdres sommersymfoni, and this year she is in Valdres' professional council.