Jan Clemens Carlsen

Cello // 1st period
@Kaicheen Engegårdkvartetten Jan 04337~3

Jan Clemens Carlsen began his studies in 2001 at Mozarteum Universät Salzburg with Heidi Litschauer and the Hagen Quartet. In 2004, he continued his journey to the Folkwang- Hochschule Essen, where he studied with Christoph Richter. From 2006 to 2008, he was a student of Truls Mørk at the Norwegian Academy of Music and later served as his assistant for a period.

He has won awards in "Norsk strykermesterskap", the ConocoPhillips Competition, and in 2008, received the 2nd prize in Princess Astrid Music Award.

Jan Clemens has participated as a soloist and chamber musician in numerous festivals both in Norway and abroad. He has performed with musicians such as András Schiff, Leif Ove Andsnes, Lukas Hagen, Guy Braunstein, Marc-Andre Hamelin, Jean Efflam Bavouzet, Torleif Thedéen, Olli Mustonen, Timothy Eddy, Daniel Phillips, Emma Johnson, and Marianna Shirinyan.

Since 2013, Jan Clemens Carlsen has been the cellist in the Engegård Quartet and has released several recordings with them on labels like 2L, LAWO Classics, and BIS.

Jan Clemens is currently playing on a cello built by Giacomo Zanoli in 1737, provided by Dextra Musica.